"Value" is a one-of-one zine that delves into my attachment to material possessions. This exploration involved a meticulous cataloging of my clothing collection, one that is embarrassingly large, causing myself to reflect on why I assign value to non essential items. The zine serves a dual purpose, functioning as both a documentation of my possessions and a self-portrait. Created during my sophmore year studio class at Parsons School of Design, we were instructed to create a self portrait, however the final product could not include ourselves. Despite my absence from the zine's visual narrative, I paint a picture of myself, and my style, through the curated selection of personal belongings.
I shot the portraits with a backdrop, then used anlog methods of printing and exacto knifing my body out of clothes, removing myself and leaving the things I value most to paint a self portrait. Through photography and tactile graphic design, "Value" captures the essence of my identity by focusing on the carefully curated outfits, providing a glimpse into the significance of each item. This zine prombts viewers to question the nature of value, materialism, and the relationship between personal identity and possessions. “Value” is the first zine in the “Street Value” zine series