Street is a zine series dedicated to celebrating the unique character and vibrant energy of Chinatown and the Lower East Side in Manhattan. These neighborhoods, steeped in history and culture, are some of the most dynamic areas in New York City.

Walking through the streets of Chinatown and the Lower East Side, you encounter a rich tapestry of life—people from all walks of life coexisting and contributing to the area's ever-changing identity. From bustling markets and local businesses to quiet corners and hidden gems, these streets are alive with stories waiting to be told.

This zine series aims to document the people and places that make these neighborhoods so extraordinary. It captures them in their natural state, unfiltered and authentic, preserving moments that might otherwise go unnoticed. Through photography, interviews, and personal observations, Street seeks to provide a glimpse into the daily rhythms and shared experiences that define this part of the city.

By highlighting both the familiar and the unexpected, this project serves as a tribute to the communities that shape Chinatown and the Lower East Side, showcasing their resilience, diversity, and enduring spirit.

Street 2

In the second installment of Street, I return to Chinatown and the Lower East Side to continue documenting the everyday lives of the people who inhabit this bustling and vibrant area. With its rich cultural heritage and constant activity, this part of Manhattan never ceases to inspire. The streets are alive with stories—moments of quiet intimacy, bustling markets, and the interplay of tradition and modernity.

This installment introduces a new layer to the exploration: the pervasive presence of surveillance in our everyday lives. By incorporating images from Google Maps, this chapter examines the ways in which public spaces are increasingly monitored and mediated through technology. These images, captured from a distant, automated lens, contrast starkly with my impromptu street photography, which is personal, spontaneous, and rooted in human connection.

The juxtaposition of these two forms of visual documentation invites reflection on the nature of observation. On one hand, Google Maps provides a detached, omnipresent view of the world, reducing people and places to data points on a grid. On the other hand, street photography captures fleeting, intimate moments that highlight the individuality and humanity of those who inhabit these spaces.

By placing these perspectives side by side, the second installment of Street raises questions about privacy, agency, and how we navigate urban environments under the watchful eyes of both technology and each other. It challenges the viewer to consider the implications of living in a world where surveillance is omnipresent and how this impacts our perception of community, identity, and freedom.

Ultimately, this chapter of Street seeks not only to document life in Chinatown and the Lower East Side but also to spark a deeper conversation about the ways in which we are seen—and how we see ourselves—in the modern city.